For Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Nonprofits, Dreamers, Side Hustlers, 9-5 Employees and Hobbyists. Can you say you dabble in some of these habits?
DON’T wait for "someday" to do it for YOU
DON’T try to do it ALONE
DON’T focus on too many things at ONCE
DON’T forget to give yourself a DEADLINE
DON’T engage in Negative Words, Behavior, People
DON’T fool yourself into FAILURE
Essentially, don’t exchange what you need in the long run for what you kinda want at the moment. Do take a good, hard look at your habits and make those necessary adjustments to start living the life you imagine.
DO start Small
DO be Specific
DO create a Plan
DO write it Down
DO make a Commitment
DO write down all Steps/Task
DO track all your Progress
DO reward your Success
DO find a Support System
In the end, you determine where your time goes. Do stay aware of what you truly want (#goals #dream #summer).